Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia - Incursions into the imaginary


Incursiuns into the Imaginary 6. Myth, Fairy Tale, Legend - Mutations of Narrative Nuclei


The fairy tale and, to a certain extent, the legend, may be relatd to a mythical field since they generally share the same geographic identity (seen as part of a larger specificity). In the even larger space of “general” literature, the somehow rigid determinism contained in the above mentioned situation allows a fluidity capable of putting aside mechanic positions such as space and time continuity, thus offering the text the possibility of opening its horizon towards new senses and significances, this time connected to reality. In this respect, we can evoke numerous examples from world literature (a “classical” example,  James Joyce’s Ulysses), repeatedly investigated from the field of continuity (through a second fictionalized form) in as far as situations, motifs, characters, symbols, etc., are concerned.

If we take into consideration the fact that the originary mythical field, as well as the “re-created” one never are devoid of historical influences; that sometimes a new mythology (such as Christianity at the beginning of its action of population conversion) borrowed elements from a previous one; that, in all cases, a certain type of mentality generated a certain field or has been shaped by another one; that the myhical texture also is relevant in specific ethnological determinations; that, under the influence of the imaginary (and not only), myth textualisation also means literature; that we can find here significant modulations sending to social psychology, arche typology, sociology and so on and so forth, then we easily realize that we are confronted with a reality asking for the use of either multi- and interdisciplinary fields or the ones of  intertextualitity. Therefore, our communication session is situated especially under the sign of narratology. In this respect, in the parallel or “superposed” investigation of older and newer texts, we will try to discover the relationship existing at the level of narratological nuclei evolving differently in order to discover an apparently paradoxical situation: the autonomy and the originality are not suppressed by this migration of nuclei. This last aspect makes our offer even more generous.



     Contributors   Contents





Gabriela CHICIUDEAN, Prefață/ 7


Mit, basm, legendă. Mutații ale nucleelor narative


Maria-Ana TUPAN: Ipostaze orfice la antipozii Europei (Orphic Instances at the Antipodes of


Europe)  / 11   Cite This Item




Elena-Claudia ANCA:  Magazinul magic de jucării – o interpretare feministă a miturilor (The


Magic Toyshop – A Feminist Interpretation of  Myths) / 25   Cite This Item




Mihaela BAL: Transformări ale basmului fantastic (Transformations of the Fantastic Fairy Tale) /


35   Cite This Item




Gabriela CHICIUDEAN: Eroi mitici pe scena contemporaneității (Mythical Heroes on the


Stage of Contemporaneity) /43   Cite This Item


Ariana COVACI: Sorin Titel. Repere ale geografiei imaginarului sau dialectica cercului (Sorin


Titel. Landmarks on the  Geography of the Imaginary or the Dialectics of the Circle) / 65  Cite This Item


Petru Adrian DANCIU: De la 2 Enoh la Apocalipsă. Doi autori, unsingur roman (Of 2 Enoh to the

Book of Revelation. Two Authors, One Novel) / 73   Cite This Item


Sonia ELVIREANU:   Rescrierea   mitului   homeric   la   Milan Kundera (The Rewriting of the

Homeric Myth in Milan Kundera’s novel “The Ignorance”) / 95   Cite This Item


Liliana FLORIA (DANCIU): Mit, rit și simbol în Travesti-ul postmodernist cărtărescian (Myth, Rite


and Symbol in Cărtărescu’s Postmodernist Travesti) / 105  Cite This Item


Mihai-Alin GHERMAN: Demythiser le folklore dans les nouvelles de Ioan Slavici (The


Demythisation of Folklore in Ioan Slavici’s Short Stories) / 121   Cite This Item


Alexandra GRUIAN: Basmul popular – între cunoaşterea epistemologică şi ceagnoseologică

(The Folktale – Between the Epistemological and Gnoseological Cognition) / 129   Cite This Item


Aritina Raluca IANCU (MICU-OȚELEA): Amantul colivăresei rătăcirea într-o lume

desacralizată (Amantulcolivăresei (The Widow’s Lover) - Wandering in a Desacralized

World) / 137   Cite This Item


Emilia IVANCU, Tomasz KLIMKOWSKI: From Jericho to Argeș, Deva, Dynas Emrys, and

Surami: The Mythof Construction Between Curse and Sacrifice (De la Jericho la Argeș,

Deva, Dynas Emrys și Surami: Mitul creației între blestem și sacrificiu) / 151   Cite This Item


Cristian LUNEL: Structuri arhetipale şi mitice în drama Meşterul Manole de Lucian Blaga

(Archetypaland Mythical Structures in Lucian Blaga’s drama Meșterul Manole - Master

Manole) / 175   Cite This Item


Georgeta ORIAN: Relaţia tată-fiu în textul dramatic Ivanca de Lucian Blaga (The Father-Son

Relation in Lucian Blaga"s Theatrical Play "Ivanca") / 185   Cite This Item


Mariana-Simona VÎRTAN (PLEȘA): Octavian Paler – de celumea modernă nu mai poate crea


mituri? (Octavian Paler – Why the Modern World Cannot Create Myths Anymore) / 207   Cite This Item


Studii de caz


Alexandru GRUIAN: Imaginea islamului în presa românească. Studiu de caz: atentatele asupra

ziarului „Charlie Hebdo” (The Image of Islam in Romanian Journalism. Case Study: The Assaults

on the ‘Charlie Hebdo’ Magazine) / 219   Cite This Item



Dorin PETRESC: Mitistorie si manipulare în presa românească din timpul primului război

mondial. Studiu de caz: revista „Războiul popoarelor” (1914-1915) (Mythistory and

Manipulation in the Romanian Journalism during the First World War. Case Study:

The Magazine ‘Războiulpopoarelor’ - ‘The War of the Peoples’. 1914-1915) / 239   Cite This Item




Rodica Gabriela CHIRA: Patrick Pajon et Marie-Agnès Cathiard (éds.), Les imaginaires du

cerveau, Coll. „Transversales Philosophiques” EME Editions, 2015/ 259  


Corina BOZEDEAN: Cristian Stamatoiu, Etimologii populare „francoafone” în

dramaturgia românească / Des fausses étymologies « franco-aphones» dans la dramaturgie roumaine/265