Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia - Incursions into the imaginary



is the yearly publication of

the Centre for Research of Imaginay Speculum (CCI Speculum)


1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia, Romania










ISSN: 2501-2169

ISSN-L: 2501-2169

The cover: Ștefan Balog, Dragon (
ink on paper, 40x50cm, 2016)

Focus and Scope

Incursions into the Imaginary is an annual journal of comparative literature dedicated to social, historical, religious, literary, and imaginary studies. It also is opened to pluri-, inter-, and transdisciplinary research. The journal is published under the aegis of The Centre for Research of the Imaginary "Speculum" (Faculty of History and Philology, „1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia).


Article processing charges (APCs)

Incursions into the imaginary has no article processing charges (APCs).

Article submission charges

Incursions into the imaginary has no article submission charges.

I4OC standards for open citations

The journal complies with I4OC standards for open citations: citations are structured, separable, and open.

Archiving policy

Internet Archive, Romanian National Library, 1 Decembrie 1918 University Library

Repository policy

Authors may deposit a copy of their paper on the publisher’s own electronic repository archive.

This policy is with regard to the different versions of the paper:

  • Submitted version
  • Accepted version (Author Accepted Manuscript)
  • Published version (Version of Record)



The Speculum Centre has been organizing annual conferences starting with the year 2005.  Selected papers of these Conferences (in Romanian, French and English) have been published in the following volumes: Incursiuni în imaginar. Comentarii şi interpretări – Incursions into the Imaginary. Comments and Interpretations, Incursiuni în imaginar. 2 Sub semnul cronotopului – Incursions into the Imaginary. 2 Under the Sign of the Chronotope, Incursiuni în imaginar. 3 Imaginarul religios – Incursions into the Imaginary. 3 The Religious Imaginary, Incursiuni în imaginar. 4 De la corpul imaginat la corpul reprezentat – Incursions into the Imaginary. 4 From the Imagined to the Represented Body, Incursiuni în imaginar. 5 Imaginar şi iluzie – Incursions into the Imaginary. 5 Imaginary and Illusion.


Starting with 2015, the volume has been transformed into a journal, with the ISSN and ISSN-L: 2501-2169.


The activity of the members of the "Speculum" Centre has been published, beginning with the year 2009, in Lettre électronique des Centres de Recherches sur l’Imaginaire, ISSN: 1770-9385, following the admittance of the Centre into the International Association "Centres de Recherches sur l’Imaginaire" (CRI 2), France. The publications are available on the websites : Phantasma. Centre de Recherches sur l’imaginaire, Cluj, Romania, www.phantasma.ro; Centre de Recherche sur l’imaginaire, Grenoble, France www.u-grenoble3.fr/cri/; and Chaire Unesco "Cultural and Comparative Studies on Imaginary", Milan, Italy www.unesco.iulm.it.





CCI SPECULUM Secretariat:
1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia,
15-17 Unirii Street,
510009 Alba Iulia, Romania