Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia - Incursions into the imaginary



Incursions into the Imaginary 7. Myth, Music, Ritual. Approaches in Comparative Literature


The association between myth, ritual and music allows for a better understanding of the message that a myth has to transmit to a community. The rhythm of the music often succeeds in creating an atmosphere that is capable of helping participants to live the ritual in question. On the other hand, if a ritual should be “staged”, it will first be necessary to invite a narrator to explain the content of the myth to the audience, so that afterwards, through the development of the ritual accompanied by music, the audience may be drawn into the mythical communication. This process allows one to observe similarities and differences within communities.

The meaning of myth is subject to interpretations. Anne Holden Rønning rightfully evokes Bidermann and Scharfstein who suggest that myth is formed by “contradictory narratives, which become involved in one another like threads of a tapestry, too intertwined to summarize adequately, and endless”, Roland Barthes who sees in it “a system of communication”, and Bultman for whom it represents the expression of “man’s understanding of himself in the world in which he lives” (2009 p. 143).

Myths are fictions and those who make them know it. Otherwise imagination could not find its place in their creation and they could not be distinguished in idiom and setting from litteral narratives. In other words myths explain the world around us in a narratological way. They either celebrate or reveal when retold to later generations. Their forms of manifestation as well as the impact on communities differ from one epoch to the other. We thus can talk about hero myths, creation myths, flood myths, myths of paradise, and myths of the future, etc. Myth is sometimes used as a disguised political message or comment on the contemporary world. It is usually connected to a reality already familiar to people. Myth is also a metamorphosis of themes which are not limited by cultural or historical boundaries.

The approach appeals to interdisciplinarity, multidisciplinarity and the papers could focus on areas such as folklore, literature, classical or traditional music, science-fiction, philosophy, religion, sociology, anthropology, history, imaginary theory etc.



   Contributors     Contents




Rodica Gabriela CHIRA, Cuvânt înainte/ 7


Mit, muzică, ritual. Abordări din perspectiva literaturii comparate/ Myth, Music, Ritual. Approaches in Comparative Literature


Alina BAKO: Muzicalitate narativă în romanul românesc (Narrative Musicality in the Romanian Novel) / 11  
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Cristina Raluca BARNA: Recreating Fairytale Context Through The Imaginary/ 31  
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Gabriela CHICIUDEAN: Mitul Electrei în reprezentări scenice (Electra’s Myth in Theatre Representations) /41 
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Petru Adrian DANCIU: Mitul enohian al îngerilor răi în viziunile lui Herma (Enoch’s myth of the angels in Hermas’s vision) /

67   Cite This Item


Sonia ELVIREANU: Mitul lui Orfeu în lirica lui Marian Drăghici (The Orphic myth in Marian Drăghici’s lyrics) / 81  
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Liliana FLORIA (DANCIU): Între cântec și descântec. Construcțiile magicului poetic. În curte la Dionis, de Mircea Eliade

(Between Cantation and Incantation. The Architecture of the Magical Poetics) / 115   Cite This Item


Alexandra GRUIAN: Furtul merelor de aur – de la Idun la Sfânta Duminică (In search of the Golden Apple - from

Sfânta Duminică to Idun) / 137   Cite This Item


Aritina Raluca IANCU (MICU-OȚELEA): Simion Liftnicul – Nevoia unui Centru (Simion Liftnicul - the Need of a Center) /

151   Cite This Item


Ovidiu IVANCU: Mit, utopie, modernitate (Myth, utopia, modernity) / 169  Cite This Item


Silviu MIHĂILĂ: Universuri (diz)armonice la Mihai Eminescu. Viziuni exegetice comparatiste [(Dis)Harmonic Universes in

MihaiEminescu’s Work. Exegetical and Comparative Views] / 179  Cite This Item


Ioana Maria PAȘCA: Modalități de reprezentare a femininului la Mariana Bojan (Way of representing the feminine at

MARIANA BOJAN) / 193  Cite This Item