Universitatea „1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia - Incursions into the imaginary



Incursions into the Imaginary 8. Imaginary, identity and alterity in literature


Imaginary, identity and alterity is a theme that encompasses a multitude of possible subtopics and the most versatile types of approaches, from the literary ones to those related to cultural history and the history of the imaginary, with credible forays into the world of art or philosophy as well. This aspect is due to the fact that identity and alterity are two of the concepts through which we define our very own nature (self-characterization), and through which we perceive the others, respectively, two manners of defining the ego which, in the era of globalization, gain an overwhelming importance. The manner in which we integrate ourselves into EVERYTHING, with the added appropriation of the diversity and complexity of the other, without which one could find rejection, intolerance, and violence, is essential for a better knowledge and acceptance. All the historical epochs, without exception, have been submitted to the process of knowledge through interaction. Wars, conquests, territorial expansions, processes such as the Romanization or the great geographic discoveries, to name just a few of the fundamental moments, have led to the association of different civilizations that have often been forced to cohabitate. This state of affairs can also be found in the proximate contemporary world due to the globalization that has brought together ethnicities, religions, different lifestyles.

Acceptance, diversity and integration are, in fact, the key words that surround the semantic universe of the chosen topic, and they can be found in virtually any of the cultural products of the different historical epochs. Literature, history, philosophy, art represent just as many opportunities to deepen these snapshots of life, of experience, of concept, and of aesthetics all designed to bring everyone closer.


      Contents     Contributors



Oana Andreea SÂMBRIAN, Cuvânt înainte/ 7


Imaginar, identitate și alteritate în literatură/ Imaginary, identity and alterity in literature


Alina BAKO: Imagini ale alterității în proza feminină contemporană (IMAGES OF ALTERITY IN THE CONTEMPORARY FEMININE PROSE) / 11    Cite This Item


Gabriela BOANGIU: Povestirea vieții – identitate și alteritate pe parcursul Războiului civil elen din 1946-1949 (LIFE HISTORIES – IDENTITY AND ALTERITY DURING THE GREEK CIVIL WAR OF 1946 – 1949) / 23   Cite This Item


Liliana DANCIU: Stazele eului in atingerea idealului alterității la Mircea Eliade (THE STAGES OF CONSCIOUSNESS IN REACHING THE IDEAL OF ALTERITY AT MIRCEA ELIADE) / 53   Cite This Item


Petru Adrian DANCIU: Zmeul și alteritatea (THE OPHIDIAN AND THE ALTERITY) / 83 

        Cite This Item


Javier DOMINGO: Representativos de la contemporaneidad: Juan Luis Panero y Leopoldo María Panero/ 99  Cite This Item


Sonia ELVIREANU: Identităţi hibride în romanele lui Dumitru Ţepeneag (HYBRID IDENTITIES IN THE NOVELS OF DUMITRU ŢEPENEAG) / 123   Cite This Item


Maria HOLHOȘ, Andra Gabriela HOLHOȘ: Variante ale inițierii în singurătate în jocul cunoașterii de sine și a realității prezente în poezia paleriană (VARIATIONS OF THE INITIATION IN SOLITUDE IN THE GAME OF SELF-KNOWLEDGE AND OF THE REALITY PRESENTED IN PALER"S PROSE) / 149   Cite This Item

Aritina Raluca IANCU (MICU-OȚELEA): Alteritate și identitate în spațiul mahalalei literare (ALTERITY AND IDENTITY IN THE SPACE OF THE LITERARY OUTSKIRTS) /171  Cite This Item

Silviu MIHĂILĂ: Zoe Dumitrescu-Bușulenga și relațiile identitare ale imaginarului religios în opera lui Mihai Eminescu (ZOE DUMITRESCUBUȘULENGA AND THE IDENTITARY INTERFERENCES OF THE RELIGIOUS IMAGINARY IN MIHAI EMINESCU’S LITERARY WORK) / 211   Cite This Item

Andreea PETRACHE: Alterity in Identity/ 233   Cite This Item